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fuel filter cartridge replacement

Fuel filters (plus fuel system cleaner)

Esseltial to long term reliability and smooth running.

Service Description

Diesel filters are an essential component for reliable, performant diesel engines. Diesel injection components can be destroyed by particles much smaller than a human hair's diameter. Modern, original quality filter technology allows nearly all harmful contamination to be removed. As modern diesel engines require such clean fuel, diesel fuel filters should always be regularly replaced. We would highly recommend diesel fuel filters be changed every 30,000 miles maximum to preserve the condition of your vehicle's precision engineered diesel injection system. Petrol injectors in direct injected engines (such as TSI from VW, EcoBoost from Ford and CGI from Mercedes) are almost as highly engineered as their diesel counterparts. To maintain performance, economy and engine life, direct petrol injection system filters should, like diesels, be changed every 30,000 miles (however some manufacturers have specified sooner). Port injection (standard in most petrol vehicles until around 2010) is less precisely engineered and therefore filter changes are less frequently required. We would recommend a petrol fuel filter replacement for these vehicles every 40-60,000 miles (roughly the life of a timing belt).

1 h 30 min
£30 + Parts

73 Acre Road



Co. No: 00636326 

VAT No: 216100817

All photos are of our own work, and are copyright James S Graham & Co Ltd 1958-2024

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