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brake pads being removed on Mercedes E350 CDI

Brakes (Pads, discs, shoes and drums)

Efficient braking is essential to your vehicles safety

Service Description

Whether its pads and discs or drums and shoes, your vehicles brakes should perform efficiently to keep you safe and in control, whatever may happen. All braking systems consist of a stationary friction pad which is compressed against a metal surface that turns with the wheel, when the brakes are applied, a hydraulic cylinder applies pressure to the friction pad, generating friction and slowing the vehicle. This slowly wears the consumable pads and discs or drums and shoes. Brake pads usually last around 30-40,000, while discs last roughly 50-70,000 miles depending on their use and driving style. These are used on all four wheels on larger or high-performance vehicles, but are found on the front wheels of all vehicles since the 1970s Brake shoes are found on the rear of smaller vehicles and provide an efficient and simple method of braking that encompasses the parking brake in a single unit. These consist of a hub or drum, which the wheel is bolted to, held to the vehicle by a central shaft. Two semi-circular shoes that do not rotate, are expanded outwards by a hydraulic piston against the hub as it rotates on the shaft. This produces friction against the spinning hub and slows the vehicle. Brake shoes usually last around 45-75,000 miles as most braking force is split approximately 60% font/40% rear with the lighter, smaller vehicles that tend to use shoes/drums requiring less braking force. As all brakes expend this energy as heat, braking components must perform under high stress and temperature. To ensure continued safety, performance and peace of mind, we only use braking components made to the exacting standards set out by both your vehicle's manufacturer and the manufacturer of its braking system. If your vehicle's brakes feel less responsive than they should, are making noises, or you simply need a brake service, let our engineers give you peace of mind and maintain your vehicle's performance and safety. Book an appointment today.

2 hr 30 min
From £65 + Parts

73 Acre Road



Co. No: 00636326 

VAT No: 216100817

All photos are of our own work, and are copyright James S Graham & Co Ltd 1958-2024

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